An Introduction to 6S
- Don Roll
Ever take a good look around your office, especially after some hectic period
of work? If it gets like mine, it can look like a cyclone hit it. Drafts of
materials stacked on each other. Edited copy on the floor around my desk. Project
reference materials stacked up on my spare table, along with journal articles
I put off reading because I didn't have time to read them when they came in.
The focus for most of us is on getting the work in-hand done and that can mean
we let good organization go. Unfortunately, this can become a habit and, when
the work space is shared, it can become a significant hindrance to working efficiently
and, sometimes, safely.
One contribution of the Lean approach to business improvement has been a set
of tools that anyone can leverage to improve workplaces and work processes.
One of these tools, 6S (originally labeled 5S; see Exhibit 1), addresses just
the situation I described. Most people may think of it as relating to manufacturing
workplaces, but it is just as applicable to office settings. As with all Lean
tools, 6S is about eliminating waste and maximizing value-added work. To this
end, 6S uses its process to create and maintain an organized, clean, safe, and
efficient setting that enables the highest level of value-added performance.
This means eliminating search, travel, transporting materials, inventory, and
hazards. It achieves its ends by introducing organization and orderliness, eliminating
unneeded materials, and establishing self-discipline. In a sense, it transfers
some principles of "time management" from the "virtual space
of your work schedule" to the physical space of your office or shop area.
Exhibit 1. The Origins of
6S |
What we call "6S" derives from "5S" the method
of workplace organization and visual controls popularized by Hiroyuki
Hirano (1990). The five "Ss" refer to five Japanese words—seiri,
seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke. Seiri means to separate needed
and unneeded materials and to remove the latter. Seiton means to neatly
arrange and identify needed materials for ease of use. Seiso means to
conduct a cleanup campaign. Seiketsu means to do seiri, seiton, and seiso
at frequent intervals and to standardize your 5S procedures. Shitsuke
means to form the habit of always following the first four Ss.
The origin of 5S seems rooted in the works of two American pioneers who
were scrupulously studied by Japanese managers. These were Frederick W.
Taylor's Scientific Management (1911) and Henry Ford (1922).
Indeed, Ford's CANDO program (Cleaning up, Arranging, Neatness, Discipline,
Ongoing Improvement), which builds on Taylor's work, appears as the obvious
origin for 5S.
Here are our labels for the 6Ss and their meaning.
- Sort - Distinguish between what is needed and not needed and to remove the latter.
- Stabilize - Enforce a place for everything and everything in its place.
- Shine - Clean up the workplace and look for ways to keep it clean.
- Standardize - Maintain and monitor adherence to the first three Ss.
- Sustain - Follow the rules to keep the workplace 6S-right"maintain the gain.".
- Safety - Eliminate hazards. (We added this sixth "S" so we could maintain the focus on Safety within our Lean events and embed safe conditions into all our improvements.)
There are a number of great reasons for using 6S. It is a natural for building
teams who share a common work area. For one thing, every team member benefits
from it and for another, it fits common sense. Everyone has had the experience
of losing work, misplacing documents and spending frustrating and wasteful time
looking for them, tripping on objects left in the working place, etc. As a consequence,
6S is a tool whose value is readily grasped. Everyone can get their arms around the concept of "a place for everything and everything
is in it's place." Another great quality of 6S is that it is doubly
enabling. It enables people to be free of aggravations that hinder their work
and it is a wonderful way to involve people in improving their own work settings.
That enables greater employee empowerment. Finally, the
visual impact of a 6S event makes the improvement it produces impossible to
miss and this creates a real sense of achievement and pride that can form the
beginning of a more significant cultural transition (see Exhibit 2).
Do not be mislead by the before and after photos that everyone doing 6S produces.
They are valuable portrayals of measurable improvements, but they rivet attention
to the workplace and, in that sense, they can mislead. 6S may appear to focus
on a workplace—sorting, straightening, etc. the area in which people work,
but this is not correct. The root focus of 6S is the work process that is executed
in the workplace. The reason is this. All Lean is about producing products that
are fully value adding to a customer. Only processes that are themselves absolutely
devoid of waste can produce such products. While detecting disorganization in
a workplace may be obvious, it is not obvious what, in a concrete sense, good
organization is. Should tool X go by work station A or B? Where should we place
the copier in this office to reduce travel and transport? In the center of the
workplace? You can't answer these questions in a way that eliminates waste unless
you understand the work process that people implement in that space and the
job each person does. Also, what information should be posted and where? Again,
you can't answer either of these questions if you do not understand the work
process people are implementing. So, the root focus for 6S is the work process,
not the workplace. In office workplaces, where it is common for one area to
service many work processes, this is especially critical. It is quite possible
to optimize a workplace for one work process while making it even more problematic
for others using the same space. So an important initial step to applying 6S
is to identify the work process you are to benefit and every other work process
using the space you will 6S. Your solutions must serve them all.
You should also recognize a related point. 6S will need to be recycled, if
your company is truly committed to continuous improvement using, for example,
Kaizen. That is because you will modify the work process over time, meaning
that your 6S solutions will also require adjustment.

Using 6S
We use a three phase approach to doing 6S. We get ready for the event, do it,
and then follow-up to make sure our improvements sustain. We adopted steps and
materials from the Kaizen method documented in the Kaizen Desk Reference
Standard, with the written permission of the copyright owner (Vital Enterprises).
Getting Ready
Exhibit 3. Getting Ready Steps |
- Get the customer's expectations.
- Build a scope document.
- Define a strawperson mission, goals, and "do's and don'ts"
for the event.
- Assess whether doing the event makes sense.
- Get the people and the setting ready for the event.
To get ready for the event, we meet with the manager of the work area to identify
what he or she wants the event to achieve. You need to know the manager's idea
of how the work process in the target work area needs to improve and what business
benefits that improvement should produce. With this information, we describe a
scope for the proposed event. I do not draft a formal strawperson mission and
goals, but I do form an idea of what these should be. One change I am considering
is adopting the practice of documenting the strawperson mission, goals, and "do's
and don'ts" as is recommended in the Kaizen Desk Reference Standard.
I can use the electronic form in the Kaizen Tool Kit, and this should make confirming
the manager's expectations for the event easier to do and provide a surer result.
Up until now, however, I have not done this.
Once I confirm the manager’s expectations, we identify the people who
will be on the 6S team and talk with them to assess what they understand about
6S, add to that understanding, and get their judgments about how effectively
the workplace currently supports getting their jobs done. The team is made up
of people working in the setting that we will 6S. Sometimes, that's everyone.
Other times, the setting is large or there may be shift workers. If I can get
to visit the work site, I do. There is no substitute for direct observation
and meeting people face-to-face. If not, I use the information from the manager
and from my conversations with workers to evaluate whether doing the event makes
sense. I need to be sure I can use 6S to accomplish the purposes the manager
has expressed and provide the improvements that employees feel will be meaningful.
I also need to make sure that there is a good business case for the event. Events
take time. Large events will take as much as five days. I need to see the possibility
that 6S will take out enough waste (travel, transport, excess materials, etc.)
to justify its cost. Once I make the judgment, I share it with the manager and
the workers and start the preparation for the event.
First, I want to communicate to the proposed team what our schedule will be
and provide them some pre-event materials to read (e.g., the scope of the event).
I also enlist them in getting ideas from their fellow workers about what workplace
improvements would make getting the work done more efficient. I also let them
know that we will post a pre-event flyer in the workplace announcing the event,
naming the team members, and directing workers to them for more information
and for sharing their ideas. My last preparation step is to make sure the logistics
for the event are in place. Depending on the type of work area—shop or
office—we have a variety of materials we need for the team to do their
job (e.g., clear tape, clipboards, colored tape, digital camera, double-sided
tape, graph paper, wheels for measuring travel distances, safety equipment).
We also need easels and flip chart paper and wall space for recording the team's
findings and ideas and for displaying its mission, goals, and results.

Doing the Event
Exhibit 4. Doing
Steps |
- Open the event.
- Prepare the team.
- Get the facts.
- Assess waste.
- Generate improvement ideas.
- Select the best ideas.
- Make improvements.
- Measure results.
I open the meeting by welcoming everyone, re-introducing myself, and saying what
our mission is for the 6S event. I make sure everyone knows each other or we make
introductions. Next I like to use an icebreaker activity to begin building the
team. A good one is having the people share what they like and don't like about
their work area. I remind them to include both their own ideas and those that
other workers in the area shared with them. We summarize the workers' thinking,
list their concerns and ideas on flip chart paper, post them, and refer back to
them during the meeting. We use these ideas as part of the information to analyze
in detecting waste due to workplace disorganization and the lack of visual information.
Prepare the Team
Next, I do a brief introduction to 6S, explaining what it is, how it is done,
and showing some "before" and "after" pictures of other
work areas where we have done 6S. We make sure to use pictures that mirror
the setting of the workers with whom we are speaking; otherwise, they will
not have as much value. We also make sure to relate the purpose and benefits
of 6S to the issues the team has raised about its own work area.
This leads naturally to a review of the scope for the event. I support the
team in analyzing the scope and any other materials so we can form a strawperson
mission and goals. From the scope document itself, we draw the "do's
and don'ts" for the event. The mission, goals, and "do's and don'ts"
are tentative because we have not done a walk through to directly observe
where the workplace is at with respect to 6S standards. With our tentative
direction set, I review the day's agenda. Finally, the team members build
a set of ground rules for how they will work together and we review the Working
With Others skills1,
which are essential to sharing and building on each other's ideas. Then, we
get to work.
Get the Facts
The team's first job is data collection. We have several tasks to complete—do
a workplace layout, take "before" pictures of the workplace, make
observations of waste in the workplace, complete a 6S evaluation of the workplace,
and interview workers in the area. We assign one team member to do the workplace
layout and another to do the pictures using the digital camera we bring to
the event. For both these roles, we use the guides supplied in the Kaizen
Tool Kit that accompanies the Kaizen Desk Reference Standard. You
can find them in the book as well (Kaizen Desk Reference Standard,
pages 294 and 303-304).
We teach the team members about waste associated with workplace organization
and give them an exercise that confirms their ability to detect waste (see
Exhibit 5 for an explanation of the role waste detection plays in 6S).
Exhibit 5.
Why Introduce the Concept of Waste? |
Some people may say, "It's just obvious how messy or not a place
is. Why make things more complicated by bringing in this notion of waste?"
That's a good question because it is true that disorganization in obvious.
Why do more than is necessary to fix it? Well, most businesses look at
the bottom line benefits they will receive when evaluating what they will
invest in. While disorganization is obvious, what is not so obvious is
how it measurably affects businesses performance. Here is where detecting
and measuring waste helps. Waste is the link between disorganization and
operating measures. Travel and transport, for example, eat up time. Time
costs money in many ways (labor cost, longer cycle time). Observe that
waste, measure it, and you can estimate the cost of that waste and the
price the company pays for disorganization.
An even more fundamental reason for including the detection of waste in
a 6S event is that eliminating all waste is one of the pillars of Lean.
Although it may be impossible to imagine, if a disorganized workplace
produced no waste in the process of satisfying customers requirements,
then its disorganization would be irrelevant from a Lean perspective.
(For more discussion of the relationship between waste, operating performance,
and final business results see pages 244-247 and 255-256 of the Kaizen
Desk Reference Standard.) |
Next, we introduce the team to the 6S Evaluation form (Exhibit 6). Every
team member is given a copy of the scale and asked to evaluate the workplace
after we complete a walk through. We then prepare the team to do the walk
through during which team members make observations and speak with workers
to get their ideas. The team does the interviews using a modified version
of the interview guides in the Kaizen Desk Reference Standard (pages
233–236) (again, with the written permission of the copyright holder).
6. 6S Evaluation Form |
6S Area: [Name
the work area] |
Item score
Before |
After |
(Organization) |
between what is needed & not needed |
all unnecessary items been removed? |
Are walkways, work
areas, locations clearly identified? |
Does a procedure
exist for removing unneeded items? |
(Orderliness) |
place for everything and everything in its place |
there a place for everything? |
Is everything in
its place? |
Are locations obvious
and easy to identify? |
(Cleanliness) |
and looking for ways to keep it clean |
work areas, equipment, tools, desks clean and free of debris, etc.? |
Are cleaning materials
available and accessible? |
Are all aisle markings,
location indicators, etc., clean & unbroken? |
Cleaning schedules
exist and are posted? |
(Adherence) |
& Monitor for adherence |
all necessary information visible? |
Are all standards
known and visible? |
Are all visual
displays current and up to date? |
Is there adherence
to existing standards? |
(Self-Discipline) |
the rules to sustain |
procedures being followed? |
Does an on-going
audit and feedback system exist? |
Does a system exist
to respond to audit feedback? |
(Zero incidents) |
a safe work place |
a green tag system in place? |
Are appropriate
controls in place to identify safety equipment? |
Is all safety equipment
unobstructed and accessible? |
Total Score |
Evaluators Name:
0= No problems
1= One to Two problems
2= More than Two problems |

Assess Waste
After the walk through, we pool the observations of waste that derive from
how the workplace is organized and document them in the same form we use in
doing Kaizen events (Kaizen Desk Reference Standard, pages 237–238).
The Kaizen Tool Kit provides an electronic version of this form into which
we type our observations. Before we move on, the team members complete a 6S
Evaluation form for the workplace. Each person fills out his or her own form.
Then, I build one for the whole team, getting each member's judgments and
averaging the ratings across team members. If there are differences in ratings,
we discuss the differences. We always rely on the documented observations
to make our final judgment.
We next summarize our findings and use these to test whether the mission and
goals for the event are valid, given the facts in the workplace. We adjust
either as needed. Before we consider how to eliminate the waste we observed
by applying 6S methods, we make measurements of the waste we observed. For
example, we may measure the distanced traveled by workers during the work
process or the time spent in searching for tools or materials or we may estimate
the amount of scrap in a workplace or the amount of paper wasted in an office
operation. These measures allow us to calibrate which type of waste most affect
the operational performance of the work process we want to improve. Again,
we find that the guides provided in the Kaizen Desk Reference Standard
(and in its Tool Kit) are useful for our measurement purposes (see Task D2.
Evaluate the Target Work Process, pages 267-309).

Make Improvements and Measure Results
Now we get to the best part of the event. The team takes each goal, looks
at the observations associated with it, and generates ideas to eliminate the
waste and improve workplace organization and the display of important information.
These actions fall within one of the 6S's. For example, the team may propose
removing unnecessary items in the work area (Sort); arrange necessary items
in an orderly manner that places them nearest to their points of use (Stabilize);
re-paint signs that are faded, walls where paint has failed, replace broken
chairs (Shine and Safety); and write job aids to remind workers of tasks to
do to keep the workplace enabling of their work (Sustain). (See Exhibit 7,
next page, for other examples of 6S improvements.)
Once we select the actions to implement, we verify that the actions we have
selected will actually accomplish the event's goals. All improvements have
value, but the priority is given to those that will accomplish the purposes
for which the event was scheduled.
We build an action plan to guide doing an action when it is complex or needs
coordinated action by several team members (see Action Plan Template in the
Kaizen Tool Kit, Version 1.5). The team members make the changes and then
we recycle the measurements and other data gathering tasks they completed
before we made changes. We always do after pictures and a 6S Evaluation. If
we have attempted to reduce travel and transport, we will redo measurements
of distance traveled during the performance of the work process. Similarly,
the team members will do other measurements needed to judge whether the goals
of the events were accomplished.
7. Other Examples of Improvement Actions |
Shop |
Office |
Work Space |
Virtual Work
Space |
- Implement red tag system
- Implement green tag system
- Implement color codes and standards
- Introduce simple materials Kanban
- Create visual work instructions
- Improve workplace layout/reclaim wasted space
- Create and implement sustaining system with audits
- Implement relevant visual metrics
- Implement red tag system
- Implement green tag system
- Improve workplace layout
- Introduce point of use concepts
- Eliminate ergonomic hazards
- Enhance visual communication methods
- Alternative storage scenarios
- Virtual red tag system
- Improve file/folder hierarchy
- Improve disk storage space and speed of retrieval of electronic
- Create standards for file management and creation
- Improve or create job aids to eliminate search and defects
Codes and Standards - Applies selected colors to identify specific
functions or meanings in a workplace. The assignment of colors to functions
is standardized across an organization. For example, we may assign the
color yellow to indicate a Kanban area or some other function like parking
area for transient equipment or a storage area for materials or tools.
In a shop setting, we might use of the color white on the floor to identify
personnel walkways.
Kanban - Signal cards (or other visual
signaling) used to pull product (product Kanbans) through a production
system or materials from inventory (materials Kanban). Makes visual
the demand for either product or materials. In a Kanban using cards,
when a component is used a card is passed upstream and only then will
upstream operations receive the authority to begin production of a replacement
component or replenishment of needed materials.
Point of Use - Places information visually
where it is vital to adding value to the product or service being produced.
Red Tag System - A method for identifying
information and things in the work area that are not needed for performing
day-to-day the work. Each red-tagged item is dated and moved to a central
holding area. If the item is not used after a certain period of time
(maybe between 1 to 6 months), it is then disposed of. A red tag system
is an excellent way to free up valuable floor space and eliminate such
things as broken tools, obsolete jigs and fixtures, scrap and excess
raw material in shop settings and unneeded documents, file cabinets,
old correspondence, and office supplies or equipment in office and service
settings. Virtual red tagging create a space on a disk drive as the
holding area for electronic files and folders, but otherwise operates
in the same manner.
Green Tag System
- A method for ensuring a safe workplace. It identifies, corrects, or
removes unsafe equipment or prescribes cautions for the use of equipment
that is safe to use only when specified cautions are followed. The system
prescribes that each piece of equipment is inspected for compliance
with safety standards with regard to its construction and current condition.
The system uses Green, Yellow, and Red tags. A Green tag means the equipment
passed inspection and is safe for use. The Yellow tag means that the
equipment is safe to use if certain requirements are followed.
The Red tag means the equipment is unsafe to use and should be removed
from the workplace either for discard or repair.
Virtual - Refers to electronic information
and the media on which information is storedcomputer disk drives,
back-up media, etc.

Following Up
The team closes out the event by doing a presentation of what it accomplished
and what it will do to sustain the improvements it made. This presentation is
made to all the workers in the area and other interested groups, including of
course the manager who requested the event. We build the presentation using
the event's mission, goals, and "do's and don'ts." This anchors us
in what we were to achieve. We use our before facts (pictures, 6S Evaluation,
measurements, and observations of waste) to describe the problems that existed.
Then we share the team's action list, tell about what happened as we made improvements,
and end with the post-event facts (pictures, 6S Evaluation, measurements, and
observations of waste). It works out easily because we have all the information
developed and organized by the time we get to the end of the event.
A Few Tips
Be sure to credit the workers in the work area who were not able to be on
the team itself. The event would not have produced its results if they had
not contributed their information and ideas. Especially credit any improvement
ideas that came from them and identify clearly who provided the ideas. Everyone
needs to be recognized for the help they provided. There is the "6s team"—and
you want to make sure you credit its work—but, there is the larger team
of which it is a part. Also, don't leave out the manager who initiated the
event. Without his or her initiative, the event and its good results would
never have been achieved. Finally, emphasize the importance of sustaining
the event's gains3.
Consider using a leave-behind measure that visually displays the improvements
that were made and records the day to day sustaining of both the improvement
actions and the benefits they produced. Check out the discussion and examples
of leave-behind measures in the Kaizen Desk Reference Standard (pages 173-174,
341-342, 349, 385).

The Pay Off
While Workplace Organization and Visual Controls (WOVC) events are usually
very hard work, most participants express great pleasure in having participated.
The physical change is truly significant, they have been allowed to positively
impact their own workplace with their own ideas, and the area is more pleasant
to work in after their efforts. Many times this participation has served as
a springboard for additional efforts not only for the individual, but for the
organization as well. Setting the stage with pure WOVC events is great for paving
the way for other CI activities an organization may be contemplating.

Postscript: The Virtual Office2
Especially in the office environments, we live in two worlds—one physical
(rooms, desks or work stations, papers, equipment) and the other virtual (electronic
files, folders, forms). To be effective, 6S needs to go to the virtual workplace
as well as the physical workplace. Here, we have lots of history and prior
to draw on that actually pre-dates Lean. For example, former President Jimmy
Carter promoted and signed into law the Paperwork Reduction Act in 1980. The
law authorized the Bureau of the Budget (now the Office of Management and Budget)
to coordinate Federal reporting services, eliminate duplication and reduce
cost of such services, and minimize the burdens of furnishing information to
Federal agencies. One by-product of this effort was the development of an
policy and an information management function. This function was responsible
for systematically analyzing an organization’s information requirements,
identifying what information was needed and what was unneeded, establishing
standards for each needed information item, and using this knowledge to eliminate
stored information and the paper forms or electronic input screens that collected
As electronic information systems proliferated, a similar problem emerged.
In large organizations, separate automation products using non-standardized
development practices built multiple applications and databases that held the
same information but stored it in inconsistent formats and using different
definitions. This redundant and non-standard information spells waste on many
levels—storage space, processing overhead, duplicative database maintenance
overhead, and lost opportunity to leverage corporate information assets are
just a few examples. One movement that emerged was to develop a corporatewide
information architecture wherein each element of needed information
is defined in a single way with respect to its meaning and its data characteristics
(data type, format, size, acceptable values, sourcing, etc.). This straightening
and sorting of virtual space was concretized in a data dictionary that served
the enterprise. Alas, none of these developments have sustained with rigor,
as you might rapidly discover if you investigate both the variety of non-interfacing
databases in
you own company that store the same information (customers, products, orders,
financial information, etc.). However, the tools these disciplines used are
available for our learning and use within a 6S context and their importance
and utility only grows.
Safety, as applied to working in virtual space, has two other relevancies.
One relates to ergonomics and the other to the security of
the information
one creates and stores and to communications you execute electronically.
As to ergonomics, there are features of computer systems such electronic emissions
and the
of monitors (e.g., blue light exposure) that can have harmful effects. They
all represent hazards. As to security, safety addresses issues of protecting
access to one’s
system and data, ensuring the security of on-line communications, and protecting
viruses and
to compromise your system.
Thus, the opportunities for applying 6S to the virtual office are
wide open!
1 These skills are delineated
in J.S. Byron and P.V. Bierley, Working With Others (Hope, ME: Lowrey
Press, 2003).
2Thanks to Dr. Raphael L. Vitalo
for the information in this section. He has worked in both information resource
management and database design for enterprise information systems.
3 For more detailed help with
how to ensure that the results and use of 6S sustain, see Sustaining
Improvements: Lessons Learned. Also, for guidance in how to create a workforce
that is motivated to apply lean tools like 6S, see Creating
a Lean-Ready Workforce.

Ford, Henry (1922). My Life and Work. Retrieved June 30, 2011, from
Hiroyuki Hirano (1990). 5 Pillars of the Visual Workplace. Portland, OR: Productivity
Taylor, Frederick W. (1911). Scientific Management. Retrieved June 30, 2011,
Published February 2005; Last revised August 2011
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